The Tunisian Association of Researchers in Textile (ATCTex) is a scientific association that was founded  in 2007 by a team of professors   and researchers of the ISET of Ksar Hellal.

This association was founded  in order to:

  • Promote scientific research and studies in the textilesfield.

  • Publish and promote the results of scientific research in the field of textiles.

  • Participate in the organization of activities, seminars, conferences, congresses and all kinds of scientific events both nationally and internationally.

  • Framing researchers and monitoring all activities of research and training in the textilesfield.

  • Foster linkages between economic and industrial stakeholders through the exchange of information, participation in training seminars and building bridges with the academic community.

In 2014, The ATCTex with 110 members having direct or indirect relationship with the research community in the textile field and from different backgrounds (ISET, ENIM, ISMMM, ISAM Sfax, Industry, and CETTEX...).

The ATCTex is working closely with the actors involved in research in textiles (Textile Engineering Laboratory, MFCPôle, CETTEX, University of Monastir, GIZ, universities, etc.) in order to organize training sessions for researchers, with workshops, seminars for researchers and students, conferences and activities for students of academic partner institutions.

The ATCTex is also collaborating with the LGTex, since 2006 for the organization of the International Congress of Applied Research in Textile (CIRAT), and since 2016 for the organization of the International competition in Textile (CITT)

The ATCTexis editing an online international scientific journal in textile research, The International Journal of Applied Research on Textile (IJARTex) first published in December 2013 .

All ATCTex activities can be followed  and viewed on the online ATCTex platform:



  • Registration Code of Statutes: 2007S01668APSF1, JORT No. 51 of June 21, 2007, page 3182

  • Tax identification number: 1282182 / W

  • Head office address: Higher Institute of Technological Studies of KsarHellal, Avenue Hadj Ali SOUA, 5070 KsarHellal

  • Phone: 73 450 999/907

  • Fax: 73450163

  • Email :